UX Designer-
As a digital detective, I have a knack for uncovering the solutions others might overlook and enjoy leveraging the latest technology to create exceptional user experiences. Adaptable and resourceful, I’m always seeking out the most efficient ways to solve challenges and deliver results. -
Sleep is my non-negotiable. I’m an early bird, but I never compromise on my eight hours. I’m usually out like a light by 10pm most nights, recharging for whatever challenges the next day throws my way.

UX Designer Sam is a first for Cornerstone – we’ve never had anyone with a double-barrelled name on the team before! Only joshing, his UX role is one we’ve newly created to support our ever growing roster of web clients.
Driven by process and efficiency, he revels in refining strategies to create a smoother way of doing things.
Why you do it? My passion for creating seamless user experiences and well-oiled systems is what keeps me motivated and energised. Every new challenge is an opportunity to innovate and improve, making both my work and life run like clockwork.