
PR & Copywriter
  • Superpower
    The ability to simplify anything.
  • Kryptonite
    A penchant for pork pies (growlers if you’re from Yorkshire – touchy subject, Nige hails from Bacup on the Lancashire / Yorkshire border)
Front view of PR Team member Nigel Wareing, smiling whilst using a computer

Nigel has been a journalist since the days of typewriters (not even electric typewriters)!

He has edited several weekly newspapers across Greater Manchester, been the editor-in-chief of several more and edited a daily newspaper in Northern Ireland. He came home to work on the former Greater Manchester regional TV station Channel M.

Having dropped the ‘L’ on becoming a member of the Cornerstone family, Nige now works across several sectors including health, manufacturing and finance, using his treasure trove of experience and insight to help our clients achieve the best possible PR results. He can turn his hand to writing anything (except poetry, apparently, but if it’s required, he’ll give it a bash).


Simple, I love writing and being creative. Enough said.