Without the unfortunate ending. Or at least that’s how we look at it.
Our work for Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) in collaboration with ElCapitan Digital has seen us nominated for a Manchester Publicity Association (MPA) Award for Collaboration, and we’re going to use this blog to look into why this particular project will Live Forever in our hearts.
The MPA Award for Collaboration category requires you to have ‘worked alongside another agency, with their team actively involved to help you deliver a more inspiring result for your client’. And that’s exactly what we did with El Capitán Digital.
GMCA wanted a website design that linked up all the green spaces, walks, cycle routes and activities out in nature not only in Manchester, but across the Greater Manchester area also. The now titled ‘Connecting People with Nature’ project had a primary goal to encourage the people of Greater Manchester to get more involved in outdoor/green space activities, explore and be active, and to become part of the work being carried out.
The pitch
When pitching for the work, Cornerstone felt a strong collaboration would help develop and enhance the project, so called in boutique UX agency El Capitan to conduct an initial UX workshop to develop the site structure and wireframes.
Speaking about the project, our managing director David said “We felt this project had some real value to the people of Greater Manchester, and would help to open up the green spaces to people who otherwise would have no idea they existed. We felt the project would really benefit from collaborative working, which is why we decided to work with ElCapitan to utilise their skills and expertise in UX.”
Once the UX work was completed, the project was moved to the Cornerstone creative team to develop a unique look and feel that not only looked great, but functioned exceptionally well too. The site was designed to be fully responsive for a variety of devices, whilst making user experience enhanced through consideration of new technologies and effects using javascript, jquery and css3.
The creative was exceptionally well received by all stakeholders from GMCA and gained a quick sign-off, meaning we could move the site into development.
Our development team worked around the clock to meet a launch deadline for the GM Green Summit which was to showcase the website to all delegates attending. The site was built to pre-agreed web standards, with functionality, compatability and SEO in mind. Developing the content of the site in line with the creative route set, we met our deadline, and presented the site at the summit.
Delegates were impressed with the end result, and could see the benefit it would bring to the desired target audience.
You can visit the website here.

Dave has over 10 years design agency experience and has been working in the industry since completing his degree at Salford University, where he gained a 2:1 in Graphic Design. With a true passion for typography and all things graphic design, Dave helps to add another strong element of creativity and style to our client […]
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